Blackboard (Faculty) - Course's Section Number Changes but CRN Stays the Same

This document provides an overview of what to expect when a course's section number has changed but the CRN number remains the same.

The CRN is an automatically generated five-digit course number in CougarNet/Banner.

CRN Number

This number is tied to a corresponding course in Blackboard. If the section number of a course changes but the CRN does not change, there will be mismatch in Bb between the Course ID and the Course Name. The Course ID will still show the old section number and the Course Name will show the new section number.

section number is different in the course ID vs the Course name

In most of these cases, no action is required. However, there may be instances where a third-party software is looking for the new course number in the Bb Course ID. The only way to get the new Course ID in Bb is to delete the existing course and re-add it by the feed from Banner.

If you are experiencing this problem, email the Blackboard Admin Include your Bb Course ID and the Course Name in your correspondence.

blackboard, black board, bb, course, courses, section number, CRN, banner, cougarnet, cougar net, change, 3rd, 3rd party, Pearson, Pearsons, Pearson's, 
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