YuJa (Faculty) - Create a Playlist Using Folders

This document describes how to create a playlist in Blackboard using YuJa folders.
This article assumes that you have created a folder in YuJa and the folder contains the media.
NOTE: Media linked this way cannot report quiz or analytics back to the Grade Center. This method is for viewing/listening purposes only.
    1. Log into Yuja at https://siue.yuja.com/ with your SIUE email and password.

    2. Navigate to the folder. Hover your mouse over the folder and click on the three vertical dots. Click on More in the menu.

      YuJa folder with 3-dots for more menu

    3. In the window that opens, click on Links in the menu.

      Links in the menu

    4. Click on the Copy button next to the embed code.

      Click on the Copy button next to the Embed code

    5. Return to Blackboard. Navigate to the Content Area or folder. Click on Build Content. Then click on Item in the menu.

      Item link in the Build Content

    6. Name the item. In the text box, locate and click on the source code icon. It looks like a greater than and less than symbols: < >  
      NOTE: the icon rows are fluid, depending upon the size of your screen. You may have only two rows.

      Click on the source code link.

    7. The Source Code window opens. Click you mouse in the box. While holding the CTRL key (command key in a Mac) type the v key. This will paste your code in the box. Click the Save button at the bottom of the window.

      Source code window

    8. Add instructions or a description. To make the video window larger, click and drag the blue box at one of the corners.

      Size boxes on the code

    9. The thumbnail of the first video in your folder will be on top. The remaining videos will be below the heading "Upcoming Media."

      Video playlist

KeywordsYuJa, yuja, uja, youja, video, audio, streaming, cloud, web link, URL, link, linking, playlist, folder,   Doc ID117873
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2022-04-11 08:57:09Updated2024-09-13 10:16:56
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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