YuJa (All Users) - Recover a Video That Failed to Upload

This document provides an overview of how to recover your video recording from temporary files, run through Handbrake and upload to YuJa.

If your YuJa upload failed and the video cannot be found in your media folder or course channel, you can check in the local storage folder on your computer. A copy of the file may have been saved there temporarily - before the upload was attempted. To locate that folder, first, you need to find your specific local file path in YuJa's settings.

Find the Video

  1. Open Windows Explorer on a Windows machine or the Finder on a Mac. 
  2. Go to the location where the YuJa Software Capture is installed. The default location is Local Disc (C:)/Program Files (x86)/YuJa/YuJa Software Capture. 
  3. Navigate to the video folders to check for your video files. You may see several .uploaded files. You will have to check each of these to see which one is the correct video.

Run through Handbrake

  1. Download Handbrake from this site: https://handbrake.fr/downloads.php
  2. Open the Handbrake software.
  3. Drag and drop the file as directed.
  4. Ensure the output is MP4.
  5. Run the encoder.

Upload the File

Follow the directions in this KnowledgeBase article to upload the newly encoded video: https://kb.siue.edu/117457

KeywordsYuJa, yuja, YUJA, youja, TSK, techsmith, tech smith, techsmith knowmia, tech smith knowmia, knowmia, relay, missing, upload fail, fail, location, locate, find, lost   Doc ID118344
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2022-05-05 08:05:29Updated2024-04-05 15:44:21
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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