Blackboard (All Users) - Base Navigation: Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation Upgrade (SP23)

This article is about the upgrade of SIUE's Blackboard learning management system to Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation. This upgrade is scheduled for May 8, 2023.

Blackboard has informed clients that they will begin phasing out Blackboard Learn Original, the version of the learning management system used by SIUE. While no official sunset date has been announced, the vendor’s eventual goal is to have all clients using Bb Learn Ultra, the latest version of Blackboard’s LMS. The upgrade to Bb Learn Ultra is accomplished in two stages: a first stage to adopt Ultra Base Navigation with only minor changes to the overall system and no changes to course shells or traditional features and a second stage that will initiate the Ultra Course View, updating the look and function of Blackboard’s course shells and course-specific features and tools. 

For Stage 1, ITS updated SIUE’s LMS to Ultra Base Navigation on May 8, 2023. The significant change in Ultra Base Navigation is that the content sections and links spread across many tabs and sub-tabs in the landing page of Learn Original have been replaced by an accessible and mobile-friendly hub where resources can be more easily collected and targeted to specific populations. Images of and information about the upcoming Ultra Base Navigation landing pages are available in the ITS KnowledgeBase.  
The Ultra Base Navigation upgrade does not update or change existing course shells or tools used by faculty and students. The adoption of Ultra Base Navigation in May 2023 is low impact but must be complete before ITS can begin the background work to transition to using Bb Ultra Course View. This timeline will allow several semesters to prepare for the Stage 2 upgrade. At present there is no scheduled date for Stage 2, upgrading SIUE Blackboard course shells to Ultra Course View.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the learning management system being upgraded?

Blackboard has informed clients of the end of Learn Original navigation on August 1, 2024. This announcement is the first step in moving all clients to the vendor's Learn Ultra system instead of the Learn Original version used by SIUE. While no date has been set for all clients to be required to use Ultra Course View or fully adopt the Ultra system, a move to Ultra Base Navigation in May 2023 provides ample time for SIUE users to gradually become familiar with the new system and its features before the use of Ultra becomes mandatory.

Will the Ultra Base Navigation upgrade affect course shells in Blackboard?

No. The upgrade only affects the landing page in Blackboard. None of the existing course shells or course-specific tools will be changed at this time. Courses for future semesters will continue to have the same look and feel until there is an upgrade to Ultra Course View.

Do I need to do anything to prepare for the Ultra Base Navigation upgrade?

No. Faculty, staff, and student users do not need to do anything in preparation for the Blackboard upgrade.

Will ITS let the campus know about Ultra Base Navigation?

Yes. In addition to the overview articles focused on faculty and students, ITS sent messages to the campus community via emails to the faculty and student listservs and postings in the e-Today and ITSpotlight throughout the spring 2023 semester to share information about Ultra Base Navigation. 

Keywordsblackboard, black board, Bb, bb, ultra, upgrade, base nav, ultra base nav, base navigation, ultra base navigation, landing page, ultra course view, update   Doc ID123918
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2023-02-08 10:39:24Updated2024-09-03 10:23:07
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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