Adobe Acrobat - Removing Sensitive Information With Redaction

This article explains how to use the Redaction tool in Adobe Acrobat to permanently remove sensitive information from PDF documents. This process ensures that confidential data is completely and irreversibly deleted, enhancing document security and privacy.

Protecting sensitive information within PDF documents is crucial for compliance and data security. Adobe Acrobat's Redaction tool provides a robust method for permanently removing confidential data, such as social security numbers, financial information, personally identifiable information (PII), and proprietary data.

What is Redaction?

Redaction is the process of permanently removing visible text and graphics from a document. Unlike simply covering up information with a white box, redaction completely deletes the selected content, ensuring it is no longer accessible even through data recovery methods. When you redact information in Acrobat, you create filled boxes that obscure the selected areas and permanently remove the underlying data.

Steps to Redact Sensitive Information in Adobe Acrobat

  1. Open the PDF Document: Launch Adobe Acrobat and open the PDF document you want to redact.
  2. Access the Redaction Tool:
    • Option 1 (AllTools Panel): Go to All Tools > Redact a PDF
    • Option 2 (Search): In the main Acrobat window, type "redact" into the search bar. The Redact a PDF tool should appear in the search results. Click on it to activate it.
  3. Mark the Areas for Redaction: The Redact tool offers several options for marking content for removal:
    • Mark for Redaction: Click and drag your mouse to draw a rectangle around the text or graphic you want to redact.
    • Find Text & Redact: This powerful feature allows you to search for specific text patterns (e.g., email addresses, phone numbers, social security numbers) and automatically mark them for redaction.
      1. To use "Find Text & Redact," click the corresponding option in the Redact toolbar.
      2. Specify the type of information you want to search for using the provided presets (e.g., Social Security Number, Credit Card Number) or create a custom search pattern.
      3. Click "Search & Remove Text." Acrobat will identify instances of the specified text.
      4. Review the search results and select the instances you want to redact. You can choose to redact all instances or selectively redact specific ones.
    • Multiple Pages: The "Multiple Pages" option lets you apply redactions across an entire document or a specified range of pages. This is useful for consistent information appearing throughout the document.
  4. Apply the Redactions: Once you have marked all the areas for redaction, click "Apply" in the top toolbar.
  5. Confirmation and Warning: Acrobat will display a warning message explaining that applying redactions permanently removes the information and cannot be undone. Click "OK" to proceed.
  6. Save the Redacted Document: After applying the redactions, save the document. It is highly recommended to save the redacted version as a new file to preserve the original, unredacted version. Choose File > Save As and give the redacted document a new name.

Important Considerations

  • Permanent Removal: Remember that redaction is a permanent process. Once applied, the redacted information cannot be recovered.
  • Verification: Always carefully review the redacted document to ensure that all sensitive information has been correctly removed.
  • Metadata: Pay attention to metadata within the PDF. Metadata can contain author information, creation dates, and other potentially sensitive details. You can remove metadata using Acrobat's "Remove Hidden Information" feature (found under Tools > Protect & Standardize > Remove Hidden Information).
  • Flattening PDFs: In some cases, converting the redacted PDF to a flattened format (e.g., TIFF or JPEG) can further ensure data removal, but this will also remove text searching capabilities.

Customizing Redaction Appearance

Acrobat allows you to customize the appearance of the redaction boxes. You can change the color, add overlay text, or set custom redaction codes. To adjust these settings:

  • Before applying redactions, go to "Set Properties" in the Redact a PDF toolbar.
  • In the Set Properties dialog box, you can customize the "Redaction Area Fill Color," "Use Overlay Text," and other settings.
  • "Redaction Codes" can be used to indicate the reason for the redaction (e.g., "Privacy," "Legal Privilege").


  • Redaction Not Working: Ensure you have applied the redactions by clicking "Apply" in the toolbar. Check that you are using a licensed version of Adobe Acrobat that supports redaction. Older versions or PDF readers may not have this functionality.
  • Text Still Searchable After Redaction: Ensure you have flattened the PDF if necessary and removed all hidden information, including metadata.

By following these steps, you can effectively use the Redaction tool in Adobe Acrobat to protect sensitive information and maintain the security of your PDF documents.

This guide aims to provide useful information, but as technology changes, interfaces or steps might vary. Please use the 'Comment' button to let us know if anything differs from your experience. Your feedback helps us keep this information accurate. Thank you!

Adobe Acrobat, Redaction, Sensitive Information, Remove Data, Privacy, PDF, Security, PII, Confidential, Data Protection, Document Security 
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Jeff P. in Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville