Adobe Acrobat - Setting Form Field Properties and Options

Learn how to customize and configure form field properties and options in Adobe Acrobat to create interactive and user-friendly PDF forms. This guide explains the various property settings available for different field types.

Accessing Form Field Properties

To customize a form field in Adobe Acrobat, you need to access its properties dialog box:

  1. Open your PDF document in Adobe Acrobat.
  2. Select All Tools > Prepare a Form from the top menu. If not visible, select View more from the All Tools panel
  3. Select Create form if your PDF is not already a form
  4. Select the form field you want to modify.
  5. Right-click on the selected field and Select Properties from the context menu.

Common Form Field Properties

The Properties dialog box is organized into several tabs. Each tab contains specific settings to control different aspects of the form field.

General Tab

This tab contains fundamental settings that apply to all field types:

  • Name: A unique identifier used for scripting and data export. Choose descriptive, consistent names.
  • Tooltip: Text that appears when users hover over the field, providing helpful guidance.
  • Form Field: Displays the field type (cannot be changed after creation).
  • Read Only: When checked, prevents users from modifying the field's value.
  • Required: When checked, forces users to complete this field before submitting the form.
  • Visible/Hidden: Controls whether the field is displayed to users.

Appearance Tab

This tab controls the visual aspects of the form field:

  • Border Color: Sets the color of the field's outline.
  • Fill Color: Sets the background color of the field.
  • Line Thickness: Adjusts the border thickness (Thin, Medium, Thick).
  • Line Style: Changes the border appearance (Solid, Dashed, Beveled, etc.).
  • Font Size: Controls the text size within the field.
  • Text Color: Specifies the color of text entered in the field.

Options Tab

This tab contains settings specific to each field type. The options vary depending on the type of form field you're configuring:

Text Field Options

  • Alignment: Controls text alignment (Left, Center, Right).
  • Default Value: Text that appears in the field when the form is first opened.
  • Multi-line: Allows the field to accept multiple lines of text.
  • Scroll long text: Adds a scroll bar for text that exceeds the field's visible area.
  • Allow Rich Text Formatting: Enables formatting options like bold and italic text.
  • Limit of characters: Restricts the maximum number of characters users can enter.
  • Password: Masks entered text with asterisks or dots.
  • Field is used for file selection: Converts the field into a file browser button.

Check Box Options

  • Check Box Style: Sets the appearance when checked (Check, Circle, Cross, etc.).
  • Export Value: The value recorded in the form data when the box is checked.
  • Checked by Default: Determines whether the box is initially checked.

Radio Button Options

  • Button Style: Sets the appearance when selected (Circle, Check, etc.).
  • Button Value: The unique value associated with this specific radio button.
  • Button is checked by default: Makes this the initially selected option.
  • Buttons with the same name and value are selected in unison: Links buttons with identical names and values.

Dropdown Menu/List Box Options

  • Item: Add entries that will appear in the dropdown list.
  • Export Value: The value recorded in the form data when an item is selected.
  • Add/Delete: Buttons to manage list items.
  • Up/Down: Buttons to reorder list items.
  • Sort Items: Alphabetically sorts the list.
  • Allow User to Enter Custom Text: (Combo Box only) Allows users to enter values not in the list.
  • Commit selected value immediately: Saves the selection as soon as it's made.

Actions Tab

This tab allows you to create interactive behavior by assigning actions to specific triggers:

  • Select Trigger: Choose when the action occurs:
    • Mouse Enter: When the cursor moves over the field
    • Mouse Exit: When the cursor leaves the field
    • Mouse Down: When the mouse button is pressed
    • Mouse Up: When the mouse button is released
    • On Focus: When the field is selected
    • On Blur: When the field loses focus
  • Select Action: Choose what happens when triggered:
    • Execute a menu item
    • Go to a view
    • Import form data
    • Multimedia Operation (Acrobat 9 and later)
    • Open a file
    • Open a web link
    • Play Media
    • Read an article
    • Reset a form
    • Submit a form
    • Run a JavaScript
    • Set layer visibility

Format Tab

This tab controls how data is formatted and displayed within the field:

  • None: No specific formatting applied.
  • Number: Format as numeric value with options for decimal places, currency symbols, etc.
  • Percentage: Display as a percentage value.
  • Date: Format as a date with various format options.
  • Time: Format as a time value.
  • Special: Format for zip codes, phone numbers, social security numbers, etc.
  • Custom: Create a custom JavaScript formatting script.

Validate Tab

This tab sets validation rules to ensure entered data meets specific criteria:

  • Field value is not validated: No validation applied.
  • Field value is in range: Specify minimum and maximum values.
  • Run custom validation script: Create a JavaScript validation script.

Calculate Tab

This tab configures calculations based on values in other fields:

  • Value is not calculated: No calculation applied.
  • Value is the: Choose a calculation method:
    • Sum (+) of the fields
    • Product (×) of the fields
    • Average of the fields
    • Minimum of the fields
    • Maximum of the fields
  • Pick: Select the fields to include in the calculation.
  • Simplified field notation: Enable this for simpler field references.
  • Custom calculation script: Create a JavaScript calculation script.

Best Practices for Creating Effective Forms

  • Use clear field names: Create logical, consistent naming conventions.
  • Add helpful tooltips: Guide users with clear instructions for each field.
  • Group related fields: Keep similar information together for better organization.
  • Use appropriate field types: Choose the right field type for the data being collected.
  • Apply consistent formatting: Maintain visual consistency throughout your form.
  • Test thoroughly: Validate your form with real users before distribution.
  • Consider accessibility: Ensure your form works with screen readers and meets accessibility standards.

Applying Changes

After configuring the desired properties and options:

  1. Click Close in the Properties dialog box to save your changes.
  2. The changes will be applied to the selected form field immediately.
  3. Select Menu > Save to preserve all form field changes in the document.

Need Additional Support?

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact the ITS Help Desk:

This guide aims to provide useful information, but as technology changes, interfaces or steps might vary. Please use the Comment button to let us know if anything differs from your experience. Your feedback helps us keep this information accurate. Thank you!

Adobe Acrobat, form fields, field properties, PDF forms, interactive forms, form customization, form appearance, form validation, field options, text fields, check boxes, radio buttons, dropdown menus, required fields, calculations, actions 
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Jeff P. in Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville