Microsoft Word - Using Templates for Quick Document Creation
Microsoft Word templates provide pre-formatted document designs that save time and ensure consistency. This guide covers how to use built-in templates, create custom templates, and efficiently manage your template collection.
Using Built-in Templates
Microsoft Word comes with numerous professionally designed templates for various document types:
Accessing Built-in Templates
- Click the File tab.
- Select New from the left menu panel.
- You'll see featured templates and a search box to find specific template types.
- Templates are organized into categories like:
- Business
- Letters
- Resumes
- Reports
- Calendars
- Click on a template thumbnail to preview it.
- Click Create to open a new document based on the selected template.
Searching for Templates
- Click the File tab, then New.
- Type keywords in the search box at the top of the screen (e.g., "invoice," "resume," "brochure").
- Press Enter or click the search icon.
- Browse the search results and click on a template to preview it.
- Click Create to use the selected template.
Modifying Template Content
After opening a template-based document:
- Replace placeholder text by clicking on it and typing your content.
- Modify styles as needed by right-clicking on text and selecting formatting options.
- Add or remove elements like images, charts, or tables.
- Save the document with a new filename to preserve the original template.
Creating Custom Templates
Create your own templates to standardize frequently used document formats:
Creating a Template from Scratch
- Open a new, blank Word document.
- Design your document with the desired formatting:
- Apply styles for headings, body text, and other elements.
- Set up page layout, margins, and orientation.
- Add headers, footers, and page numbers.
- Insert standard content, logos, or watermarks.
- Create any needed sections or placeholder text.
- To save as a template:
- Click the File tab, then Save As.
- Select a location to save the template.
- In the "Save as type" dropdown, select "Word Template (*.dotx)".
- Enter a descriptive name for your template.
- Click Save.
Creating a Template from an Existing Document
- Open the existing document you want to use as a template basis.
- Remove any content that shouldn't be in every document (keeping only standard elements).
- Click the File tab, then Save As.
- In the "Save as type" dropdown, select "Word Template (*.dotx)".
- Choose a location to save the template.
- Enter a descriptive name.
- Click Save.
Adding Content Controls to Templates
Content controls provide structured input fields in your templates:
- Display the Developer tab:
- Click the File tab, then Options.
- Select Customize Ribbon from the left menu.
- Check the "Developer" checkbox in the right panel.
- Click OK.
- Position your cursor where you want to add a content control.
- Click the Developer tab.
- In the Controls group, select the desired content control type:
- Rich Text
- Plain Text
- Picture
- Combo Box
- Date Picker
- To configure the control, click Properties and set options like:
- Title (label)
- Tag
- Default value
- Locking options
- Save the template when finished.
Accessing and Managing Templates
Finding Your Custom Templates
- Click the File tab, then New.
- Click "Personal" or "Custom" in the template categories (if available).
- Alternatively, click Open from the File menu and navigate to your template storage location.
Default Template Locations
Windows typically stores templates in one of these locations:
- C:\Users\[YourUsername]\Documents\Custom Office Templates
- C:\Users\[YourUsername]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates
Setting a Custom Template Location
- Click the File tab, then Options.
- Select Save from the left menu.
- In the "Default personal templates location" field, enter or browse to your preferred folder.
- Click OK.
Modifying an Existing Template
- Click the File tab, then Open.
- Navigate to the template location.
- In the file type dropdown, select "Word Templates (*.dotx)".
- Select your template and click Open.
- Make your changes to the template.
- Click the File tab, then Save to update the template.
Template Best Practices
- Use styles instead of direct formatting for consistent appearance.
- Include instructions as hidden text that won't print (Format > Font > Hidden).
- Test your template before deploying it to others.
- Organize templates in subfolders by document type or department.
- Document the purpose and usage guidelines for complex templates.
- Consider using template protection to prevent inadvertent changes to key elements.
Using Templates in a Team Environment
For teams, consider these approaches to template sharing:
- Network share: Store templates on a shared network drive accessible to all team members.
- SharePoint: Upload templates to a SharePoint document library.
- Microsoft 365: Use organization-wide templates through Microsoft 365 tenant settings.
- Email distribution: Send templates as attachments (less ideal for version control).
Need Additional Support?
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact the ITS Help Desk:
- Call: (618) 650-5500
- Email:
- Visit: Lovejoy Library Room 0005 during regular business hours.
This guide aims to provide useful information, but as technology changes, interfaces or steps might vary. Please use the Comment button to let us know if anything differs from your experience. Your feedback helps us keep this information accurate. Thank you!