Office 365 Outlook Web App - Sharing Your Calendar

This document provides an overview of how to share your calendar in the Office 365 Outlook web app.

To Share Your Calendar

1. In the Outlook web Application, select the Calendar tab on the right-hand side of the screen
   Calendar Tab
2. Right-click the calendar you wish to share
   Calendar That you Wish to Share
3. Select the Sharing and Permissions option from the menu
   Sharing and Permissions Option
4. You can now enter in the email you wish to share your calendar with in the field provided
   Email Field
5. Choose which permissions to give the user with the drop-down menu next to the email you entered
   Sharing Options
6. When finished, select Share
   Share Button
Note: If you grant someone permissions to access to your calendar, that person will also get email copies of any calendar invitations you receive.

Office 365 Outlook Web App, delegate, calendar, sharing, OWA 
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Jeff P. in Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville