Office 365 Outlook Web App - Office 365 email overview
This document provides an overview of the main Outlook window in Office 365

1) Navigation Pane: This pane, located on the left-hand side of the screen, contains links to your email folders.
2) New Message: This button, located just above the navigation pane, allows you to quickly compose a new email message.
3) App Launcher: This icon, located in the upper left hand corner of the screen, contains a menu of Office 365 applications (Outlook, Calendar, Tasks, SharePoint, Office Online, etc.).
4) View Pane: This pane, located in the center of the screen contains the messages in the folder selected in the navigation pane.
5) Reading Pane: This larger pane contains the email that is selected in the view pane (if you have not clicked on an email it will be empty).
6) Settings Menu (gear icon): This icon, located in the upper right-hand corner, contains display and layout options for Outlook.