Blackboard (Faculty) - Grade Center: Total Column

This document provides an overview of a Totals Column in the Grade Center.

Total Column

The Totals Column is included in your Grade Center by default in all new courses. It is set to display all columns in the Grade Center within its calculation.

Edit a Total Column

  1. To edit a Total Column, from the Full Grade Center, click on the menu drop-down button, then click on Edit Column Information from the expanded menu.

    Edit column

  2. From the Select Columns section, "All Grade Columns" is defaulted. If you do not want to include all columns, click the Selected Columns and Categories button.

    Select all agrade columns

  3. Highlight the columns to be included in the Total column. To select more than one column, hold the CTRL key down while clicking on the column's name.

  4. Click the right arrow to move the columns to the "Selected Columns" box.

  5. Highlight the categories to be included in the Total column. To select more than one column, hold the CTRL key down while clicking on the categories' name.

  6. Click the right arrow to move the categories to the "Selected Columns" box.

    Grade Center Customizing Total Column

  7. "Calculate as Running Total" button should remain as Yes. As a reminder, you need to place a zero (0) in the cells for assignments that are not submitted or the grade will not calculate correctly.

  8. Click Submit at the bottom of the page.

blackboard, black board, bb, Total column, totals, total, add grades 
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Southern Illinois University Edwardsville