Blackboard (Faculty) - OneDrive: Link a File or Folder from OneDrive in Your Course

This document provides an overview of how to link a file or folder from OneDrive.

Copy the Link from OneDrive

  1.  Log into your OneDrive account at

  2. Click the waffle menu in the upper left corner of the screen. 
  3. Click One Drive

    screenshot of waffle menu circled

  4. Navigate to My files.

    screenshot of my files circled in red

  5. Place a check mark in front of the file or folder you want to share.

  6. Click the Share button near the top of the screen or to the right of the filename.

    screen shot of both share buttons circled in red

  7. Click the settings button.

    screenshot of settings button (cog) circled in red

  8. Notice the default sharing permissions are set to People you choose. For everyone in the class to view or edit the file, select People in Souther Ill...Edwardsville radio button. 

  9. Click the drop-down arrow to modify settings for blocking download, viewing, or editing. If you want others to be able to modify the content of the file, you must select Can edit.

    screenshot of radio button selected for people in southern ill edwardsville and more settings option opened

  10. Click Apply.

  11. Click the Copy link button. 

Paste the Link in Blackboard

  1. Log into Blackboard and enter the course.

  2. Go to the content area where you want to link the file or folder (ex: "Coursework" or "Week 1 Folder").

  3. Click Build Content on the toolbar.

  4. Click Web Link from the drop-down menu.

    screenshot with name and url boxes circled in red

  5. Paste the hyperlink copied from OneDrive into the "URL" box.  (Press Ctrl+V or Cmd+V on your keyboard; or right-click with your mouse and select "Paste" from the drop-down menu). 

  6. Type a name for the link into the "Name" box.

  7. Add a description and other information in the "Description" box (optional)

  8. Click Submit.

blackboard, black board, bb, onedrive, one drive, weblink, web link, link a file, link a folder, OneDrive link in course 
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