Blackboard (All Users) - Text Editor: Using the MathType Window

This document provides an overview of how to use the MathType window in the Blackboard Text Editor.
    1. Open the Math Editor by clicking on the Square Root symbol 

      Launch MathType toolbar from Blackboard text editor

    2. The Math Editor window has several tabs in the toolbar for different types of functions and notations 

      1. General (ALT + 1) 

        MathTypes' General Tab

      2. Symbols (ALT + 2) 

        MathType's Symbols Tab

      3. Arrows (ALT + 3) 

        MathType's Arrows Tab

      4. Greek, letters and numbers (ALT + 4) 

        MathType's Greek Tab

      5. Matrices and elementary (ALT + 5) 

        MathType's Matrices Tab

      6. Scripts and layouts (ALT + 6) 

        MathType's Scripts and Layout Tab

      7. Decorations (ALT + 7) 

        MathType's Decorations Tab

      8. Big operators (ALT + 8)

         MathType's Big Operators Tab

      9. Calculus (ALT + 9)

         MathType's Calculus Tab

      10. Contextual (ALT + 0) 

        MathType's Contextual Tab


This link is for a quick display of the toolbar and icons. Download a printable toolbar guide.

Keywordsblackboard, black board, bb, text editor, math equation, math editor, mathtype   Doc ID55377
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2015-08-19 11:35:13Updated2024-03-04 15:37:42
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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