Blackboard (All Users) - Text Editor: Using the MathType Window
This document provides an overview of how to use the MathType window in the Blackboard Text Editor.
- Open the Math Editor by clicking on the Square Root symbol
- The Math Editor window has several tabs in the toolbar for different types of functions and notations
- General (ALT + 1)
- Symbols (ALT + 2)
- Arrows (ALT + 3)
- Greek letters and numbers (ALT + 4)
- Matrices and elementary (ALT + 5)
- Scripts and layouts (ALT + 6)
- Decorations (ALT + 7)
- Big operators (ALT + 8)
- Calculus (ALT + 9)
- Contextual (ALT + 0)
This link is for a quick display of the toolbar and icons. Download a printable toolbar guide.