Blackboard (All Users) - How to Access Blackboard on a Computer or Mobile Device

This document provides an overview of how to log into Blackboard. ITS does not provide support for the Bb mobile app and encourages all users to access Bb through a supported browser on a computer or mobile device.

To log into Blackboard:

  1. Using a supported browser, click the Bb logo on the SIUE web site or access
  2. Click the big red Login button in the center of the page
  3. Enter your username which is your full SIUE email address eg: 
  4. Enter your password which is the same one used to access SIUE email.

Keywordsblackboard, black board, bb, login, student login, mobile, mobile device, phone, iPad, Android, tablet, app, mobile app, Bb mobile app, Blackboard mobile app, Bb mobile, Blackboard mobile, browser, mobile browser, faculty login, log in,   Doc ID55381
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2015-08-19 11:51:57Updated2024-08-12 14:49:41
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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