Blackboard (All Users) - Users: User Roles in a Blackboard Organization

This document provides an overview of user roles in a Blackboard Organization.

Most-Used Roles

  • Organization Leader – has full access to the Control Panel, Grade Center, and all areas of the organization; can add, edit, delete content, can add and remove* users, has highest level of permissions in organization

  • Leader – has access to the Grade Center and Control Panel; has ability to edit grades; can edit and add content; appears as Leader to others in organization; can interact with others and submit feedback; cannot add or remove users

  • Organization Builder – has the same level of permissions as the Leader, only the Builder cannot access the Grade Center or Evaluation components in the Control Panel

  • Participant – has access similar to Student role in courses; does not have access to the Control Panel or any content editing tools; can view content and interact with other participants as designed by Organization Leader or Builder; can see personal grades/scores/achievements, but not other participants’

Other Roles

  • Grader – has access similar as Leader, but cannot add or edit content. Primarily used for individuals who need to grade or have access to evaluative components, such as reporting

  • Assistant – has similar access as Grader, but also has the ability to add, remove, or change roles of users; cannot add or edit content; is not listed as Leader

  • Guest – only has access to content specifically made visible to guests; not a recommended role; instead, the Participant role is recommended for users who need to view content without being able to access the Control Panel, the Grade Center, or other administrative functions
* Organization Leaders can only remove Leaders or other Organization Leaders after changing their role to Participant.

blackboard, black board, bb, organization leader, leader, participant, organization participant, organization builder, organization grader, organization assistant, organization guest, organization roles, organization users, Blackboard roles, delete people from organization 
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