Blackboard (Faculty) - Announcements: Create an Announcement

This document provides an overview of how to create an announcement.
  1. Click Announcements in the left-hand course menu

    Screenshot of the left-hand course menu, with the mouse hand hovering over the Announcements option.

  2. Click the Create Announcement button.

    Screenshot of the Create Announcement button circled.

  3. Give the announcement a short title/subject line.

  4. Give the announcement a message (note you can add text, images, links to videos, etc.). Note: Keep images no more than 600px wide and 600px long. Larger images will not appear well on mobile devices. Larger images will also take up more room on the announcement causing users to have to scroll to see your message.

  5. Choose Web Announcement Options:

    Duration: To select a permanent announcement, select "Not Date Restricted" radio button.
    To set a temporary announcement, select "Date Restriction" radio button and set the Display After and Display Until date and time.

    Email Announcement:
    Check the box to send an email of this announcement.

    Course Link
    : Creates a link to a specific folder or file in your course (e.g. the syllabus)
    To create a course link: Click the Browse button and select the course area where you want students to go. 

  6. Click Submit at the bottom of the page after you have chosen your options. 

    Screenshot of the Web Announcement Options section, with the 'Not Date Restricted' option selected, 'Send a copy of this announcement immediately' checked, and the Submit button circled.

    Example announcement: 

    Announcement with course link

blackboard, black board, bb, announcement, announcements, create announcement, send announcement as email, email announcement 
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Southern Illinois University Edwardsville