Blackboard (Students) - My Grades: Viewing Grades

This document provides an overview of viewing grades.

Access My Grades

To view your course grades, click on the My Grades link in the Course Menu.

Note: Your instructor may have changed the name of the link or hidden the link. If you do not see the My Grades link in the Course Menu, contact your instructor.

Course menu showing the My Grades link

View Grades

There are 4 ways to sort and view your grades:

  • All: see all gradable assessments, whether there are grades entered or not
  • Graded: see only assessments with grades
  • Upcoming: see only assessments that are not due yet, nor submitted
  • Submitted: view assessments that have been submitted but not graded

My Grades tab

Grade Types

Submitted Assessment - if an assessment has been submitted but not graded, a gold circle with exclamation point will appear in the grade column. Your instructor has not graded this. A grade will appear once your instructor has graded it. See "Climate Change Project" assessment in the image below.

Graded Assessment - if an assessment that has been manually graded by your instructor (a paper you hand-in in class, test you take in class, etc.) the points you received will be bold and the possible points will be underneath. For example in the image below, in Quiz 1, this student received 10 points for the quiz (in bold) out of 50 points (/25).

In-progress Assessment - if an assessment attempt has been saved but not submitted, a blue clock icon will appear in the grade column. Note: This will not count as a completed submission. Your instructor will not be able to view and grade your attempt until you successfully submit it. You will need to return to the assessment link and continue to submit your attempt.

Upcoming Assessment - if an assessment has not been taken, there will be a dash in place of the grade. For example in the image below, Discussions is an upcoming assignment with no grade.

My Grades example page

Tip - Review your grades regularly. If you notice a missing grade or have a dispute about a grade, contact your instructor immediately to resolve the issue. Do not wait until the end of the semester.

Final Grade

Your final grade will be calculated as a "Totals" grade,  (adds all the points) or "Weighted" (weights the grades by percentage). Refer to your syllabus to determine which type of final grade your instructor will be using. Note: You will not have both.

Blackboard's grades are set up to calculate a running total. That means that only the assessments that are graded will be reflected in the Total or Weighted column. This allows you to know where you stand grade-wise at any point in the semester. Without a running total, a Final grade column will show a failure grade early in the semester although you may have had 100% of the points in assessments up to that point.

View Submitted Assignments or Tests

If you have submitted an assignment or taken a test on Blackboard, you may be able to view your submission/answers. Note: Your instructor has the ability to restrict your access to test questions and answers after you have submitted the test.

  1. Go to My Grades in your course menu. 

  2. To view a submitted assignment or test, click on the title (it will be hyperlinked). In the example below, "Final Exam" is the title of the test. You would click on the "Final Exam" link, and then the "calculated grade" (it will be your score, hyperlinked) to open the results to the test and see any feedback.

Final Exam hyperlink

Keywordsblackboard, black board, bb, grade, grades, My Grades, gradebook, view grades, mygrades, see grades, see grade, view grade   Doc ID63486
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2016-05-18 13:59:16Updated2024-09-13 16:46:32
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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