Blackboard (Faculty) - Content Area: Edit a Web Link

This document provides an overview of to edit a Web Link to your Blackboard course.

If you have a broken link, (web page goes to a "Page Not Found" error), you do not have to delete the old link to fix it. 

  1. Open a browser window. Locate the new webpage. Copy the new URL.

  2. Return to Blackboard.

  3. Identify the broken link. Hover your mouse over the title and click on the drop-down arrow.

  4. Click Edit.

    edit url

  5. Paste the new URL in the URL box.

    Paste URL in box

  6. Click Submit at the top or the bottom of the page. 

blackboard, black board, bb, add web link, weblink, web link, link, url, add web page, add webpage, add link, link in course, blackboard link, link content, add web content, edit link, edit web link, broken link, fix broken link 
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