YouTube (All Users): Add or Edit Closed Captions / Subtitles in YouTube

When adding video content to courses or the University website, the instructor or person uploading the video is responsible for making it accessible with captioning. This article explains how to add captioning using YouTube for free. Faculty or departments may consider using a captioning service, such as 3Play Media, for captioning their lecture videos or other video content.
  1. Create a YouTube account or sign in to an existing account
  2. Upload your video
  3. Allow time for automatic captions to process
  4. Edit any inaccuracies in the auto-captions
  5. Share your video link with others
Note: If you do not see captions on a video, you can reach out to the video owner through YouTube's messaging or commenting features and ask for captions to be enabled. If a video owner does not respond or chooses not to enable captions, unfortunately, no captions will be available for the video. 

KeywordsYouTube, youtube, video, accessibility, cc, subtitle, caption, captions, captioning, caption lecture, you tube, closed captioning, closed captions, subtitles,video best practices, record lecture, record video, video production, using video in class, class video, auto caption, auto-caption, autocaption   Doc ID72720
OwnerNiki G.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2017-04-19 09:28:21Updated2024-04-17 10:38:15
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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