Blackboard (Faculty) - Grade Center: Scroll Bars Missing/Cannot See Columns to Right (Mac OS Only)

This document provides an overview of how to set the scroll bars to always show.

The default setting for scroll bars on a Mac is to not be visible until you begin scrolling. In order to see the scroll bars in the grade center in Blackboard, you must set them to always show. 

  1. Open System Preferences from either the icon on the dock or the Apple icon in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.

  2. Click Appearance.

  3. Under Show Scroll Bars, click the radio button next to Always.

    General dialog box showing scroll bars set to always

blackboard, black board, bb, no scroll bar, scrollbar, missing, cannot see columns, missing columns, scroll bar missing, scroll bars missing, scrollbar missing, scrollbars missing 
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Center I. in Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
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