Poll Everywhere (Students) - Technical Support

The following tech support resources are for students using Poll Everywhere.

If the question your professor is displaying on screen is not showing up on your device ...

  1. Try refreshing your browser.
  2. Are other students able to see the question? If not, your professor might need to activate the poll.

If your professor has asked you to register for grades/participation points, but your responses are showing up as "unregistered"...

  1. Make sure you have signed into Poll Everywhere with your SIUE email and password. (See these Single-Sign-On login instructions).

  2. If you are responding to polls via text message, you will need to certify your phone number in your Poll Everywhere account before your responses can be identified. You will only need to do this once.  (See the instructions at the bottom of this page for help certifying your phone number with Poll Everywhere.)

    More Tech Support Resources:

Keywordspoll everywhere, polleverywhere, clicker, clickers, classroom response system, audience response, classroom quizzing, classroom polling, polling, poll, pole, pol, class participation, grading participation, engagement, interactive lecture*, interact*, engage*, participat*, poll everywhere help, poll everywhere error, poll everywhere not working,   Doc ID76199
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2017-08-29 16:32:48Updated2024-09-04 14:24:05
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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