Office 365 - Stream: Share a Video (Faculty & Students)

This document describes how to share a video in Microsoft Stream.
  1. Open Stream and navigate to your videos(s). Use the Search My Files box to locate your file.

  2. Click on the More options (...) in the video thumbnail. 

  3. Click Share from the menu. Click Share again. 

    share menu

  4. Add the name, group, or email to the fist box. 
    Add the message.
    Click Send.

    email and text box

    Click Copy link for the URL to add to other emails or messages. 
  5.   To limit settings, click on the eye in the email line. Choose whether the recipients can edit and make changes, view only with no edits, or view but cannot download. 

    Setting for sharing
  6. To just copy a URL of the video, click Share from the menu. Click Copy Link. 

    share and edit

  7. Click the Copy button to save the link to the clipboard on your computer. 
    Click settings to edit who has access to the video.

    copy link

  8. Select who can access this video from the link. Click Apply when finished. 

    Link settings

  9. Paste the URL where needed. 

office, office 365, video, presentations, zoom, upload video, upload videos, share video, share videos, stream, Microsoft stream, course channel, video channel, course videos, store videos 
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Zoom Z. in Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville