Starfish (Faculty & Staff) - Manage a SON Success Plan in Starfish

Explains how to manage a School of Nursing Success Plan for a Student in Starfish.

Maintain and Edit the Plan

1. Login to Starfish
2. Find the student and open the student's record.
3.  During or after the meeting with the student, you will pull up the student's record, click the Success Plans tab, and Edit the plan you are managing:
student record with success plans and edit plan menu visible
4.  Hover over the Nursing - 03 Assessment-Recommendations item and click the pencil icon to edit. Add in notes from the meeting with the student. Click Update Item button after adding your notes in the specific recommendation text. 
nursing assessment recommendation item with edit pencil icon circled
5. Repeat the process with the Nursing - 04 Goal item. 
6. Click the Submit button after all edits are complete. 

Update the Plan or Resolve the Items

After the agreed-upon due date has arrived for the student to meet the goal, review the plan and determine if the plan should remain open/in progress, with more notes about the assessment/recommendations or closed/completed, with the individual items in each plan marked as "cleared" to resolve and close the success plan. 
Note: If the end of term has arrived, clear all open success plans according to the instructions below. 
1. Follow steps 1-3 above to edit the in-progress plan for the student. 
4. To resolve a task so that it is no longer open/due, Select the "clear" check mark icon for the item.  
success plan item with clear icon circled
2.  Select the reason for clearing the to do and provide a comment to clarify (student raised grades, course ended, etc.) and click Submit:
clear/resolve windo with comment box circled
3. Repeat this for all items in the plan if the plan is complete. 
Note: To keep track of open Success Plans or students you still need to meet with regarding course performance, be sure to check the Flags I'm Managing section of your Starfish dashboard:
starfish dashboard image with flags I'm managing module circled
More resources can be found on the Starfish webpage here:

starfish, advisor, profile, tutorial, training, faculty, staff, appointment, office hours, scheduling 
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Patricia T. in Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville