Using Faculty Success (formerly Digital Measures) to review a Promotion & Tenure Dossier

Steps to Review a Promotion & Tenure (P&T) Dossier Using Faculty Success (formerly Digital Measures)

When the faculty member has completed building their Promotion & Tenure (P&T) Dossier in Faculty Success (formerly Digital Measures) and it is ready for review, the Department Chair will need to run the “P&T Report New (Administrative)” report for that faculty member. This report is a Word document (or pdf) that contains links to the files that were uploaded by the faculty when building the dossier.

This report is then distributed to the reviewers. It can be distributed any way the department or committee shares files.

The reviewers will need to have the correct permissions setup in Faculty Success (FS) in order to be able to open the links in the report. The college/school FS representative typically coordinates setting up those permissions with the FS administrator.

When the permissions have been setup and the reviewer has the P&T Report, the review can begin. Open the report and click on a link in the report. If you are not already logged into FS (login to FS), you will be prompted to do so in order to confirm you have permission to open the file. Once logged in, you should not have to log in again when opening up another link in the report. Then complete the review following the department/college/school process.

Additional support can be found in the "Help Center" or by submitting a question to "Contact Us", located in the upper right corner of the page when logged in to FS:

FS Support options in browser

Potential Issues:

The “P&T Report New (Administrative)” report can be created as a pdf file. It is generally recommended create the report in pdf format and not as a Word doc.

It is a common misconception that the review starts in FS when it actually starts with the P&T report. The reviewer will need to be logged into FS to access items on the report, but will not be able to see any of the reviewee’s information directly in FS.

Faculty, Success, Digital, Measures, Promotion, Tenure, Dossier, review, report, chair 
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Aaron W. in Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville