Microsoft Teams - Welcome to Teams Calling

This document provides an overview of Teams Calling

Welcome to Teams Calling 


Below is a list of important information for your new Teams Calling 

  1. How do I call someone on-campus? 

To place an on-campus call just dial the four-digit extension (5500). 

  1. How do I call someone off-campus?  

To place an off-campus call dial the 10-digit number (618-650-5500). When you hear the dial tone, enter your 7-digit call-out code (PBN). The call will be completed after the code has been entered and you will hear ringing. 

  1. How do I access my voicemail? 

Your voicemail will now show up in the Teams App and your email. 

  1. I don’t have the Teams App loaded on my computer.  How do I get that installed? 

Download the Teams app here: 

  1. The red activity light on my Teams phone is either flashing or steady.  What does that mean and how do I clear it? 

The red activity light indicates a missed call, or a voicemail message is present in your email.  To clear the light, click on your Teams app and navigate to the phone page.  Click on the History button to view the missed calls.  Once you navigate to another page, the red light should go out. 

  1. There is a red dot my phone icon in the Teams App. What does that mean and how do I clear it? 

The red dot indicates a missed call, or a voicemail message is present in your email.  

To clear the dot, click on your Teams app and navigate to the phone page.  Click on the History button to view the missed calls.  Once you navigate to another page, the red dot will disappear. 


More questions?   

For more information please visit the SIUE ITS Knowledgebase at 


Need more specific Teams Information?  

Microsoft Teams Help Center at 


As always, for specific questions or help please call the SIUE ITS Helpdesk at 5500 or email 

Keywordsteams,calling,phone,voicemail   Doc ID99208
OwnerKade C.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2020-03-20 14:34:43Updated2022-08-13 09:38:50
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Feedback  4   12