Senior Assignment Showcase Instructions

Follow these instructions to record, upload and copy the embed code of your Senior Assignment. Do not wait until the deadline date to begin this process. Video uploading, editing, and captioning will take some time and ITS cannot speed up the process.

Step 1: Record your Presentation

1. Open your presentation on your computer.

2. Start your Zoom meeting. All presenters should join the Zoom meeting at this point. 

Tip! If you intend on being on camera, make sure that you are well lit against a plain background. Adjust your camera/laptop to ensure that your entire face and shoulders are in the frame. Ensure there are no windows or unwanted objects in the background. Ensure that the environment is a quiet as possible and that all pets and people are out of the room. Do a test recording and have your team watch it for sound and video quality as well as unwanted sounds and background objects. Ensure all filters are off!

examples of bad zoom meetings

3. From the bottom of the screen, click the Share button.

Zoom share button

4. The Share Screen window will open. Select your presentation. If you plan on going to another program to display, for example a PDF file or a webpage, select Screen. If you have more than one screen as in the example below, select the screen that will display both the presentation and other programs. This allows you to go between software. If you only choose your presentation software, you will not be able to see other programs.

Zoom Share screen

If your presentation or webpage has audio or video on it, ensure the boxes "Share sound" and "Optimize for video clip" are checked.

Click the Share button.

5. Note the menu moves to the top of the Zoom window when you share your screen. You may have to hover your mouse at the top of the screen to see the full menu.

6. Put your presentation in Show mode. 

7. To begin recording, click the More button at the top of the Zoom window. Then click Record to the Cloud.

Record to cloud

Recording to the cloud will automatically upload the recording to the owner's TechSmith Knowmia library. You will receive an email when the video has fully uploaded to the Cloud and when the video is fully uploaded to TechSmith Knowmia. You will not have to delete the video from the Zoom Cloud as it will automatically delete in 60 days.

Once you have received the email from TechSmith Knowmia that your recording is ready, move on to Step 2.

Step 2: Accessing Your Video in TechSmith Knowmia

1. Log into TechSmith Knowmia at

2. Locate the Zoom Recordings folder. Click on the thumbnail.

Zoom Recording folder

Your video will be identified by your name's Personal Meeting Room. Click on the video thumbnail to open the video.

Step 3: Edit Your Video

You may wish to do some minor edits. Note, it Knowmia, you can only trim the beginning or end of the video, or cut out parts within the video. You cannot combine videos.

It is recommended that you trim any dead space before the presentation begins and any after the presentation ends. Any editing must be done before you caption the video. Editing will delete any captions you have created.

Click the plus sign below to expand the menus for directions.

  • Edit a Knowmia Video
    • [Doc 94040 content is unavailable at this time.]

Step 4: Close Caption Your Video

TechSmith Knowmia has a speech-to-text captioning system that you engage with the click of one button. It is strongly recommended that you caption your video.

  • Close Caption Your Video
    • [Doc 94007 content is unavailable at this time.]

Knowmia's speech to text captioning is over 90% accurate. However, it often misses technical terms that are not used everyday. It is strongly recommended that you edit your captions to ensure the proper words are displayed and embarrassing captions are corrected! You may assign one of your teammates as a caption editor.

  • Assign a Caption Editor
    • [Doc 95218 content is unavailable at this time.]

Step 5: Edit the Title of Your Video

1. Your video uploads as "Your Name's Zoom Meeting Room." You may wish to change that to your presentation's name. From the Video page, click on the Edit icon.

Edit name of video

2. The Edit Details window will open. Change the title of the video to the title of your presentation. Add your group members and your Mentor to the Description section. You may also wish to add a short description of the video to this location.

Edit details

3. Click the Save button.

Once all of the above steps are complete, you are ready to share the link to the video on the Senior Assignment Upload form.

Step 6: Get the Embed Code to Your Video

The embed code of your video will be added to the Senior Assignment webpage so viewers can view your video.

You can move your videos within your TechSmith Knowmia Library (e.g. move to another folder) or you can give your video to another person  (e.g., your school's chair) and this will not break the link to the video.

Do not delete the video as that will break the link to the video.

1. From the video menu, click on Share.

Share video

2. From the Share Media window, click on Embed.


3. Under "People who can view this media" click the drop down arrow. Select "Only people with this link":

People who can view this media

This will allow future employers, family, and friends not associated with the university to have access to your presentation video.

4. Look at the "Width" box. If your video is larger than 800, change the width to 800. The height will automatically change. Video any larger will not display properly on mobile devices.

video width

5. Click the Copy button. This will copy the embed code to your computer's clip board.

6. Fill out the Senior Assignment form and paste the Embed Code in the proper box.

If you need any help with the process above or if you have technical issues, contact or call 650-5500 during normal business hours. 

KeywordsSenior, Assignment, project, zoom, record, knowmia, techsmith, tech, smith, upload,   Doc ID109311
OwnerZoom Z.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2021-02-23 09:57:56Updated2021-11-16 11:26:47
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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