Spark - How to Log In/Create Account

This article explains how to log in/create an account for Spark. Spark is the "Institutional Repository" of SIUE, which brings together all of the University's research, scholarship, and creative output in one location to provide access to researchers and the general public.

 Logging in to Your Spark Account

  1. Navigate to
  2. Select My Account

My Account Button

3. On the login page, fill in the Email and Password fields

Login Information Fields

4. Select the box in the I'm not a robot field and complete the task

Captcha Field

5. Select Log In

Login Button

Creating an Account

1. On the Login page, select Sign Up

Sign Up Button

2. Fill in the required fields 

Sign Up Info Fields

3. Select the box in the I'm not a robot field and complete the task

Captcha Field

4. Select Create Account

Create Account Button

5. Spark will send an email to you to activate your account

Account Activation Message

6. Activate your account by selecting Confirm Account in the activation email

   Confirmation Link

7. You should now be able to log in to your account. For login instructions, click here

spark, lovejoy, library, research, repository 
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Aaron W. in Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville