Blackboard (Faculty) - Replace an Existing Image in the Text Editor

This document provides an overview of how to use the source code option to replace images in Blackboard Text Editor with new images linked from the Content Creation.
  1. First you must upload the new image to the course's content collection. Navigate to Course Management>Files>COURSE ID.
  2. Hover over Upload and choose Upload Files.
  3. Choose the image file. Click Open and then Submit.
  4. Click the drop-down behind the newly uploaded image and choose Edit Settings.
  5. Copy the Permanent URL. Click Cancel to return to the content collection.
  6. Navigate to the place where you want to replace the existing image. 
  7. Click the drop-down next to the title and choose Edit.
  8. Click the Source Code Button.  It looks like thisscreenshot of the source code button.
  9. Select the existing URL for the image and paste the copied Permanent URL from step 5. 
    screen shot of URL selected in the source code box
  10. Save the updated source code. 
  11. Resize the image if necessary using the handles in the corners of the image.
  12. Click Save and then Submit.

Keywordsblackboard, black board, bb, text editor, image, replace picture, content collection   Doc ID121570
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2022-09-28 09:43:32Updated2024-09-03 09:55:24
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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