Microsoft Word - Adding Charts and Graphs to Documents

This guide explains how to add, edit, and format charts and graphs in Microsoft Word documents to visualize data effectively.


Charts and graphs are powerful visual tools for presenting data in your Microsoft Word documents. This guide will walk you through the process of adding, customizing, and formatting various chart types to enhance your documents.

Adding a Chart to Your Document

  1. Position your cursor where you want the chart to appear in your document.
  2. Select the Insert tab on the ribbon.
  3. Click the Chart button in the Illustrations group.
  4. In the "Insert Chart" dialog box, select a chart type from the left panel.
  5. Choose a specific chart style from the right panel.
  6. Click OK to insert the chart.

After inserting the chart, Excel will open automatically with sample data. You can replace this with your own data.

Working with Chart Data

Entering Your Data

When you insert a chart, Excel opens with a data sheet containing sample data:

  1. Replace the sample data with your own information.
  2. Click and drag the blue border in the Excel sheet to adjust the data range if needed.
  3. When finished, close Excel. Your chart in Word will update automatically.

Editing Chart Data Later

To modify your chart data after closing Excel:

  1. Click on the chart in your Word document to select it.
  2. Select the Chart Design tab that appears in the ribbon.
  3. Click Edit Data in the Data group.
  4. Choose either Edit Data or Edit Data in Excel.

Customizing Your Chart

Changing the Chart Type

  1. Select your chart.
  2. Go to the Chart Design tab.
  3. Click Change Chart Type in the Type group.
  4. Select a new chart type and click OK.

Applying Chart Styles

  1. Select your chart.
  2. On the Chart Design tab, browse through the Chart Styles gallery.
  3. Click on a style to apply it.
  4. For more options, click the arrow in the bottom right corner of the styles gallery.

Adding Chart Elements

  1. Select your chart.
  2. Click the Chart Elements button (+ symbol) that appears next to the chart.
  3. Check or uncheck elements you want to show or hide (e.g., titles, data labels, legend).
  4. For additional options, hover over an element and click the arrow that appears.

Formatting Chart Elements

Adding and Formatting Titles

  1. Select your chart.
  2. Click the Chart Elements button and check "Chart Title" or "Axis Titles."
  3. To edit the text, click directly on the title and type.
  4. To format, right-click the title and select Font or Format Title.

Formatting Data Series

  1. Right-click on a data series (bar, line, or pie slice).
  2. Select Format Data Series.
  3. Use the Format Data Series pane to adjust:
    • Fill & Line (colors, borders)
    • Effects (shadows, glow, soft edges)
    • Series Options (gap width, overlap)

Adding Data Labels

  1. Select your chart.
  2. Click the Chart Elements button and check "Data Labels."
  3. To customize label position, click the arrow next to "Data Labels" and select a position.
  4. To format labels, right-click a data label and select Format Data Labels.

Advanced Chart Features

Creating Combination Charts

Combination charts display different data series using different chart types:

  1. Select your chart.
  2. Click Change Chart Type on the Chart Design tab.
  3. Select "Combo" from the left panel.
  4. For each data series, choose the chart type from the dropdown menus.
  5. Click OK.

Adding a Secondary Axis

  1. In the Change Chart Type dialog, under Combo, check "Secondary Axis" for the data series that should use it.
  2. Click OK.

Adding Trendlines

  1. Select your chart.
  2. Click the Chart Elements button and check "Trendline."
  3. Click the arrow next to "Trendline" to select the type.
  4. For more options, select "More Options" to open the Format Trendline pane.

Chart Layouts and Positioning

Resizing a Chart

  1. Select the chart.
  2. Drag any of the sizing handles on the corners or sides.
  3. For precise sizing, use the Format tab and enter specific dimensions in the Size group.

Positioning a Chart

  1. Select the chart.
  2. Click the Layout Options icon that appears.
  3. Choose a text wrapping option.
  4. Drag the chart to position it, or use the Position options in the Format tab.

Saving Charts as Templates

If you create a chart style you'd like to reuse:

  1. Right-click on the chart and select Save as Template.
  2. Enter a name for your template and click Save.
  3. To use the template later, select "Templates" when choosing a chart type in the Insert Chart dialog.

Common Chart Types and Their Uses

Column and Bar Charts

Best for comparing values across categories:

  • Column charts: Vertical bars, good for showing changes over time
  • Bar charts: Horizontal bars, ideal for comparing many categories

Line Charts

Excellent for showing trends over time or continuous data.

Pie Charts

Use to show proportions of a whole. Most effective when limited to 5-7 slices.

Scatter Charts

Best for showing relationships between two variables.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Chart Not Updating

If your chart doesn't update after changing data:

  1. Right-click the chart and select Edit Data.
  2. Verify that the data range is correct.
  3. Close Excel and right-click the chart in Word.
  4. Select Update Data.

Chart Formatting Lost After Updates

To preserve custom formatting:

  1. Right-click the chart and select Save as Template before editing data.
  2. After updating data, apply the saved template to maintain formatting.

Need Additional Support?

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact the ITS Help Desk:

This guide aims to provide useful information, but as technology changes, interfaces or steps might vary. Please use the Comment button to let us know if anything differs from your experience. Your feedback helps us keep this information accurate. Thank you!

Microsoft Word, charts, graphs, data visualization, Excel charts, pie chart, bar graph, line graph, insert chart, edit chart, format chart, data labels, chart styles 
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Jeff P. in Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville