Office 365 Outlook Web App - Create a Group Contact List

This document provides an overview of how to create a group contact list in the Office 365 Outlook web app.

How to Create a Contact List 

1. Select People from the app launcher or navigation bar.

   People Button
2. Select the drop down arrow next to +New Contact and select Create Contact List.

   New Contact Button

3. Enter the desired contact list name (e.g. Coffee Club)

   Contact List Name Field
4. Add members by entering their name or email address.

   Add Email Field

5. Add a description for the contact list

   Description Field
6. When finished, click Create.

   Create Button

KeywordsOffice 365 Outlook Web App, create, group contact list, contact, group contact, email   Doc ID51169
OwnerJeff P.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2015-05-07 09:48:35Updated2024-02-16 10:07:27
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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