Office 365 Outlook Web App - Categorize (Color Code) a Message

This document provides an overview of how to categorize (color code) an email message in the Office 365 Outlook web app, as well as on how to create a new category for emails.

To Categorize a Message

1. Right click the message you wish to categorize
2. Select the Categorize tab
   Categorize Tab
3. You can now choose which category to mark the email as
   Email Categories
4. You can make a new email category by selecting New Category
   New Category
5. Name the new category and choose a color, then select Save
   Save New Category Button

KeywordsOffice 365 Outlook Web App, categorize, color code, message, email   Doc ID51181
OwnerJeff P.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2015-05-07 10:52:17Updated2024-04-19 11:25:32
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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