Blackboard (Faculty) - Student Preview - Using Student Preview

This document provides an overview of how to use the student preview feature.

Instructors can enter "Student Preview" within any course to see assignments, tests, and other content as a student would see it. The "Student Preview" button is a circular icon, which resembles the shape of an eye, located near the "Edit Mode" button at the top-right corner of the course screen. Upon clicking the "Student Preview" button, instructors can explore the course as a student.

student preview icon

A bar will appear at the top of the screen when you are in "Student Preview." By clicking the Exit Preview button in the right corner of this bar, instructors can exit the preview. 

image of the student preview bar with Settings and Exit Preview buttons on the right

At this point, instructors will be prompted to either keep student preview data in the course (recommended for viewing/testing assignment submissions and My Grades), or delete the preview data (recommended if instructors do not want to see any saved data, such as a test submission). 

If instructors choose to keep student preview data, it will be saved in the Grade Center as the instructor's LastName_PreviewUser. Ex: Smith_PreviewUser. This data can be removed later by entering student preview again, clicking the Settings button in the yellow/orange preview bar, and choosing to delete the data.

image of student preview settings

Keywordsblackboard, black board, bb, test student, student preview, how things will look to student, take sample test,   Doc ID55406
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2015-08-19 14:38:54Updated2024-08-12 14:50:40
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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