Lovejoy Library - Items available for check-out at Lovejoy Library circulation

Students, Faculty, & Staff can checkout equipment from the library circulation counter with a valid user-ID.

Link to the equipment that is available for checkout at Lovejoy Library Circulation.  For questions please call 618-650-2172.



Document Camera, DVD Player, Dell Laptop, External Drives, Digital Cameras, Memory Cards, GoPro, Wireless Presenters, Laser Pointers, Mac Laptop, LED Projectors, Voice Recorders, Camcorder, Battery Charger, Wireless Microphone, Screens, SD Cards, Mini SD Card, SD Card Reader, Video Projector, Data Projector, Slide Projector, Transcribers, Stereoscope, Tripod, HDMI cable, Headphone, headphone splitter, music slicer, 7-Day Laptop, Canon PowerShot (SX510, 530, 70), Digital Voice Recorder, Dry Erase Markers,External CD Drive, GoPro Hero 7, HDMI Cable, Headphones, Headphone Splitter, Kensington Wireless Presenter, Library Use Laptop, Micro SD Card, Mini DisplayPort Adapter, Mini LED, Projector, Music Slicer, Panasonic Lumix Digital Camera, Projector Screen, SD Card, SD Card Reader, Sharp Projector, Sony HandyCam, Spider, Tripod, TI-84/ TI-Nspire CX Calculator, Tripod , ViewSonic Projector, Wireless Microphone 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Jeff P. in Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville