Blackboard (Students) - Wikis: Create and Edit Wiki Content

This document provides an overview of how to create content in a wiki.

A wiki is like a webpage you can edit and add content. Your instructor must create the wiki. They may have it set up to where you add pages, or you edit the existing pages. They may also have a link to the wikis page instead of directly to the wiki itself. Follow your instructor's directions carefully.

Create Wiki Pages

When Pages Have Not Been Created

  1. Click the link to the wiki to enter it. If there are no existing pages for the wiki, you will be taken to the Create Wiki Page. If you see pages already added, skip to the When Pages Have Been Created section below.

  2. On the Create Wiki Page, enter a name for the page.

  3. Enter the content into the Content box below. You can include text, files, images, web links, multimedia, and mashups.

  4. Click Submit.
wiki page

When Pages Have Been Created

  1. Click the link to the wiki to enter it. If there are existing pages for the wiki and you need to create a new page, click the Create Wiki Page button.

    create wiki page button
  2. On the Create Wiki Page, enter a name for the page.

  3. Enter the content into the Content box below. You can include text, files, images, web links, multimedia, and mashups.

  4. Click Submit.

Edit Wiki Pages

  1. Click the link to enter the wiki.

  2. Click the page you want to edit.

  3. Click the Edit Wiki Content button.

    edit wiki page button
  4. On the Edit Wiki Page, make the changes.

  5. Click Submit.

Keywordsblackboard, black board, bb, wiki, wikis wiki content, add content, add pages, add pictures, add video, link content, link pages, link page,   Doc ID62937
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2016-04-25 10:25:44Updated2024-03-12 13:35:23
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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