Blackboard (Faculty) - Known Issue: Instructor Cannot See Grading Rubric and Feedback in Assignment

This document describes where the grading rubric and feedback area is located on the Blackboard Assignment grading screen.

Grading feedback (rubrics, written feedback, and attaching graded papers) associated with a Blackboard Assignment is not immediately visible on the Grade Assignment screen.

Faculty must:

  1. Click the narrow blue bar beneath the "Attempt" field of the "Grade Assignment" screen to locate the associated rubric and feedback options (including attaching a student's paper);

  2. Choose to either view it inline or in a new window. 

narrow blue bar


screen locations for grading inline, in another window, and uploading feedback file

Please contact ITS at or 618-650-5500 if you need additional assistance with this issue.

Keywordsblackboard, black board, bb, known issue, known issues, can't see rubric, cannot see rubric, Blackboard rubric, Assignment rubric, where is rubric, how to see rubric, how to add feedback, how to attach student paper   Doc ID69061
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2016-11-29 11:11:23Updated2024-09-04 13:55:22
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Feedback  0   0