Blackboard (Students) - How to Mark Item as Reviewed

This document provides a how to on marking an item as reviewed.

Your instructor may require you to "Mark Reviewed" a content item within the course. 

If your instructor has enabled this feature, the item will have a button beside it labeled "Mark Reviewed."
Mark Reviewed Button

To mark the item as reviewed, click on Mark Reviewed.  The button will then change to say "Reviewed."
Reviewed status

Keywordsblackboard, black board, bb, mark as reviewed, review item, review, mark, mark item, mark as read, reviewed   Doc ID69569
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2016-12-19 10:18:22Updated2024-08-07 09:58:23
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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