Starfish - How to Set Up Your Appointment Preferences (Faculty & Staff)
Explains how to set your appointment preferences in Starfish.
1. Login to Starfish
2. Click the three horizontal lines in the top left of the screen to open the menu:
3. Click the down arrow next to your name and select Appointment Preferences:
This screen gives you the following options:
- Set up your minimum appointment length (15 minutes is a common selection)
- Scheduling deadline - how soon you want to allow students to schedule time with you (24 hour(s) before the office hours is common)
- Sync Calendar - View your personal calendars and Starfish in one place
- My Locations - Add all possible meeting locations, including physical offices, phone numbers, or anywhere else you might want to meet with students. When you build your calendar availability for appointments, you will select which of these locations apply to each set of hours. Students will have the ability to select their meeting place of choice from these options when scheduling a meeting with you.
- Calendar Managers - Give other users the ability to add/edit your office hours and schedule and edit appointments on your calendar.

This screen gives you the following options:
- Set up your minimum appointment length (15 minutes is a common selection)
- Scheduling deadline - how soon you want to allow students to schedule time with you (24 hour(s) before the office hours is common)
- Sync Calendar - View your personal calendars and Starfish in one place
- My Locations - Add all possible meeting locations, including physical offices, phone numbers, or anywhere else you might want to meet with students. When you build your calendar availability for appointments, you will select which of these locations apply to each set of hours. Students will have the ability to select their meeting place of choice from these options when scheduling a meeting with you.
- Calendar Managers - Give other users the ability to add/edit your office hours and schedule and edit appointments on your calendar.
When you are finished updating your appointment preferences click Submit near the top right of the screen.
More resources can be found on the Starfish webpage here: