Zoom: Breakout Rooms (Faculty/Hosts)
Breakout Rooms allow you to split your Zoom meeting into separate rooms (50 maximum). Breakout room participants have full audio, video, and screen sharing capabilities. This feature is ideal for online office hours, where more than one student may join your Zoom session and you need a "waiting room" for other students while you maintain privacy with another. It is also good for small group collaboration, where everyone can eventually return to the main room and have a larger discussion.
Getting Started:
To manage video breakout rooms, you may first need to update Zoom on your computer.
Creating Video Breakout Rooms:
1. Start a Zoom meeting.
2. Click the Breakout Room option from the menu bar at the bottom of your Zoom screen.
3. Select the number of rooms you would like to create and how you would like to assign your participants to those rooms.
- Automatically: Let Zoom split your participants up evenly into each of the rooms
- Manually: Choose which participants you would like in each room
- Move a participant to another room: Hover over the participant you would like to move. Click on Move to and select a room to move the participant to.
- Swap participants between rooms: Hover over one of the participants you want to exchange. Click on Exchange and select the other participant you would like to change with.
- Delete a Room: Hover over the name of the room. Click on Delete and select Yes.
- Recreate: Allows you to start the Breakout Room creations from scratch.
- Add a Room: Add another Breakout Room.
- Join: Allows the host to join the breakout room selected.
- Leave: Allows the host to leave the breakout room and return to the main meeting (only shows when in a Breakout Room).
- Stop All Rooms: Will start a 30 second countdown to end all breakout rooms. This countdown is shown to both the host and participants, and once the countdown is completed, all participants will be returned back to the main meeting.