Office365 Outlook Web App - How to enable forwarding an email

This is an overview of how a user can forward their email to another email account.

To add the automatic forwarding of emails setting in the Outlook Web App in Office365:

The forwarding setting is useful when you want to automatically forward all emails to  a single alternate email address.

1.  Login to Microsoft Office Online at

2. Click the Outlook icon on the left side of the screen.

Arrow pointing to Outlook icon in Office Online main page

3. At the top of the screen, click the gear icon to open the Settings menu.

4. Enter the word "forwarding" in the search box and click the "Forwarding" option that appears.

Arrow pointing at settings icon and arrow pointing at 'Forwarding' option

5. Click the checkbox so that it becomes marked.

Arrow pointing at checkbox to enable forwarding

6. Click the save button in order to save the new settings.

Arrow pointing at 'save' button on forwarding settings screen

To add a forwarding rule in the Outlook Web App in Office365:

Forwarding rules are useful when you want to automatically forward specific emails to one or more alternate email addresses.

1.  Login to Microsoft Office Online at

2. Click the Outlook icon on the left side of the screen.

Arrow pointing to Outlook icon in Office Online main page

3. At the top of the screen, click the gear icon to open the Settings menu.

4. Enter the word "rules" in the search box and click the "Inbox rules" option that appears.

Arrow pointing at settings icon and arrow pointing at 'Inbox rules' option

5. To add a new rule, click the Add new rule button.

Arrow pointing to 'Add new rule' button

6. You will need to name your new rule in the first box.

7. In the second box, you will need to add a condition. If you wish to forward all emails, select Apply to all messages from the list of options. You can also restrict the rule to messages with only certain terms in certain fields.

Arrow pointing at 'Apply to all messages' condition

8. In the third box, you will need to select an action. The general forward action is Forward to.

Arrow pointing to 'Forward to' action

9. After selecting the Forward to option, enter the email address you want to add, and make sure you click just under the field where it says Use this address in order to add the email address to the list. You may add more than one email address in this field as well.

Arrow pointing at 'Use this address' button under address field

9. Once all of the email addresses you want to forward to have been entered in the field, click the Save button to save your new rule.

Arrow pointing at 'Save' button for rule

10. If the slider next to your rule is highlighted in red, it means the rule is active. You can toggle the rule on and off by clicking the slider. You can also edit and remove existing rules by using the buttons to the right of the rule.

Arrow pointing at toggle slider to left of rule

KeywordsOffice365, Outlook web app, OWA, forward, forwarding, email, enable, rule   Doc ID77314
OwnerSheryl M.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2017-10-12 11:14:22Updated2022-04-06 16:30:36
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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