Blackboard (Faculty) - Grade Center: Show Hidden Rows

This document explains how to show a hidden row in the Grade Center (or show a hidden student).
  1. Go to the Full Grade Center in your Blackboard course.

  2. Click the Manage tab.

  3. Choose Row Visibility from the drop-down list.

    focusing on the expanded Manage tab with the Row Visibility option circled.

  4. Locate the hidden name on the list of students (it will be in italicized grey font and will have the term Hidden listed under the Status column).

  5. Place a checkmark to the left of the student's name.

    Hidden name on the list of students. It will be in italicized grey font & will have the term Hidden

  6. Click the Show Rows button near the top or bottom of the screen.

  7. Click Submit.

Keywordsblackboard, black board, bb, unhide student, un-hide student, can't see student in Grade Center, can't see student in gradebook, can't see student in grade book, can not see student in gradebook, can not see student in Grade Center, show hidden student, show student name, show/hide student, hidden student   Doc ID78020
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2017-11-06 17:23:11Updated2024-10-03 10:39:03
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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