Blackboard (Faculty) - Content Area: Add Image

This document shows how to upload an image to a Blackboard class.
  1. Go to a content area, such as Coursework.

  2. Click the Build Content button.

  3. Choose Image from the drop-down menu.

    add image

  4. Click Browse My Computer or Browse Content Collection to search for the image you have saved.

  5. Locate the image on your computer or in your Blackboard Content Collection, select it, and click Open/Submit to attach.

    Add image

  6. Name the image (under the "File Name" area).

  7. Provide Alt Text for your image (describe the image for students who might not be able to see it).

  8. Click Save near the bottom of the page.

  9. Your image will now appear at the bottom of the content area. You can drag and drop it to another location on the page. 

blackboard, black board, bb, add image, add image to class, blackboard images, blackboard image, upload image to course, upload image to class, upload image, 
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