Blackboard (Faculty) - Third Party Content: Adding Evolve (Elsevier) Web Link to Course Shell

This document provides an overview of inserting a weblink for Evolve textbook products to a course shell as a single sign-on link for students and faculty to access publisher content.
  1. Navigate to your course and ensure that Edit Mode is On. 
  2. Choose the area of your course where you would like to insert the link. 
  3. Click Build Content > Web Link.
  4. On the Create Web Link page, enter a name in the Name field and in the URL field.
  5. Check the box for "This link is to a Tool Provider". Enable evaluation should be set to No.
    tool provider check box

  6. Set "Open in New Window" to Yes.
  7. Set "Permit Users to View this Content" to Yes.
    set new window and permit to view content = yes

  8. Click Submit.

Keywordsblackboard, black board, bb, textbook, Using Publisher Content in Blackboard, Using Publisher Content, using publisher in Blackboard, Blackboard textbooks, Blackboard e-books, Blackboard building blocks, building blocks, third party content, third-party content, 3rd party content, e-book, e-books, e books, e book, publisher content, publisher, partner content   Doc ID82500
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2018-05-29 16:33:53Updated2024-03-11 08:46:52
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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