Blackboard (Faculty) - Assignments: Allowing Multiple Submissions

This document provides an overview of how to allow multiple submission on a Blackboard assignment.
  1. Go to the assignment in your course (e.g. under Coursework)
  2. Click the circular icon to the right of the assignment title
  3. Choose Edit from the drop-down menu

    Screenshot of an assignment's expanded Options menu, with the Edit option circled.

  4. Scroll down to the Grading section (beneath "points possible")
  5. Click Submission Details to expand this menu
  6. Click Single Attempt in the Number of Attempts drop-down menu

    Screenshot of the Submission Details section, circling the Number of Attempts dropdown menu

  7. Choose Multiple or Unlimited Attempts from the menu
    1. If you choose Multiple Attempts, type in the specific number of attempts allowed in the text box below
  8. Decide how you will grade the multiple submissions (e.g. accept last grade, first grade, average, highest, or lowest. Typically, faculty choose "Last Graded Attempt" when students should have multiple opportunities to submit, but faculty will only grade the final draft/submission. Other options are suitable when drafts will be scored or multiple graders' feedback will be factored into final grade.) 

    Screenshot of the additional options of enabling multiple/unlimited attempts in an assignment - Number of Attempts, Maximum Attempts, and Score attempts using.

  9. Click Submit

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