Microsoft Teams - How do I move my Phone number to Teams?

This document provides an overview of how to request moving an SIUE phone number to Teams Calling.
Microsoft Teams allows you to take your SIUE phone with you wherever you login with your Teams application. 

  1. Please fill out the Microsoft Teams Calling Form

  1. Please submit a Service Request with the Budget Purpose number signed by your Fiscal Officer. For each phon number to be moved to Teams calling, please list SIUE phone number and SIUE email address for each user.  There are no charges for moving a phone number, but Telecom needs the request to connect your new phone to your account.

Keywordsteams, phone, calling, number   Doc ID99644
OwnerKade C.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2020-03-27 08:10:47Updated2022-08-13 09:35:20
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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