Blackboard (Students) - My Grades: Viewing Instructor Feedback, Grades, and Rubric Scores

This document provides an overview of all the locations for seeing feedback and comments made by instructors on Blackboard assignments and in rubrics.
After a successful assignment submission, the instructor will grade it. Grades are reported in Blackboard under the My Grades tab in the course menu. In addition to the overall score for the assignment, the instructor may leave comments or written feedback or they may use a rubric to score an assignment. Use the instructions below to review all available instructor feedback within Blackboard Assignments. 
If your assignment was submitted through Turnitin, see Turnitin: Viewing Instructor Feedback

Click the plus sign below to expand the menus for directions.

Assignments: View Grades for Assignments


View Grades from Base Navigation

  1. Log into Blackboard.
  2. In the left navigation pane, click Grades. Grades are organized by course name and the term in alphabetical order.
  3. Click the View all work link to be taken into a specific course.

View Grades from within the Course

  1. From within your course, click on My Grades in the course menu. Your instructor may have changed the name to something like "Grades" or "My Progress."

    my grades

  2. Identify the assignment. The grade will be in the "Grade" column with your points out of possible points. In the example below, the student received 5 out of 5 points.

    assessment score

  3. If a speech bubble icon is present, that means that your instructor left a comment. Click on the speech bubble to see the comments.

    assessment comment

  4. To see the original file, grade, and comments, click on the title of the assignment.This is the only way you will see comments made inside of the file.

    view assessment

    On your submission screen, hover over the blue comment icons and highlighted areas to view comments. 

    view grades

  5. Click OK to return to "My Grades."

    Note: Comments and highlights cannot be printed or downloaded.


My Grades: View Assignment Feedback


  1. Click on My Grades in the left-hand course menu.

  2. Scroll down to the graded assignment.

  3. To view instructor comments, click on the blue comment bubble to the right of the assignment name.

    View comments

    A new window will open with your instructor's comments/attached feedback. If your professor has attached additional feedback on your assignment submission, it will appear as a link in the comment window. Click the link to download.

    Comments window

  Seeing Feedback for Multiple Submissions of the Same Assignment

If your professor has allowed multiple submissions to the same assignment link (e.g. rough and final draft) and has provided feedback for each of those submissions, the following steps explain how to access that feedback:

  1. Click on My Grades in the left-hand course menu.

  2. Scroll down to the graded assignment.

  3. Click the assignment title.

  4. Click the downward arrow next to the Attempt Number to reveal all saved submissions for this assignment. Select the submission you want to see from the drop-down list.

  5. The feedback you received for that submission will appear beneath the attempt selection box.


My Grades: View Completed Rubric Scores


  1. Click on My Grades.

  2. Click on the View Rubric link beneath the assignment title. 

    View rubric link

  3. A new window will open with the rubric. If the instructor left feedback within the rubric, it will appear in this window. 

    Image show the grade and feedback from the instructor

  4. To view the original assignment along with the rubric and comments, click on the assignment title in My Grades.

    Assignment link

    Click the square rubric icon on the right side of the screen to open the rubric window.

    Rubric icon

Note: Rubrics are optional. Not all assignments will have rubrics attached. If you do not see the rubric, contact your instructor. They may not be using a digital rubric for this assignment.


blackboard, black board, bb, My Grades, MyGrades, comments 
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