YuJa (All Users) - Log Into YuJa

This article walks you through how to log into YuJa.
  1. From any Browser window (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge), go to https://siue.yuja.com/.


    From within Blackboard, on the Institutional tab, in the Technology and Systems box, click on YuJa

    yuja link for login

    Note, when YuJa opens, these videos are University public-facing videos. You must sign in to access your Media Library.

    Landing page of YuJa

  2. In the upper right corner of the YuJa landing page, confirm that the "Login Using" drop-down states Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Single-Sign-On. If it does not, click the drop-down menu and select that option.

    Click the Login button. Login with your SIUE username and password.


  3. Your Media Library page will open.

    Media Library

KeywordsYuJa, uja, youja, video, audio, streaming, cloud, log in, log into,   Doc ID117475
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2022-03-21 14:20:10Updated2024-09-12 10:14:31
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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