YuJa (All Users) - Recording Using the YuJa Software Capture Tool (Mac)

This article walks you through how to record using the YuJa Software Capture Tool on a Mac.
  1. Log into YuJa at https://siue.yuja.com/.

  2. Click on Create Recording at the top of the page.
create recording on YuJa

3. Confirm the drop down menu is "Record from your Windows PC or Mac." Click on the Start button.

start recording

4. If you're using the YuJa Software Capture tool for the first time, you will need to select Download and follow these instructions: https://kb.siue.edu/117516

Software Capture Settings

1. The YuJa Software Capture window opens.

yuja software capture screen

2. If the capture tool is working correctly, there should be a green box at the bottom of the screen that says Online.


Click on any of the drop-down arrows to expand the menu for the item.
capture menu items
1. Video: inputs such as web cams, document cams, etc.
2. Audio: inputs microphone
3. Screen: software on your computer, such as PowerPoint
4. Live stream: we currently do not subscribe to this option
5. Profile: you can change your settings and save as a Profile.
More information about these inputs below.

Main Window

main window items
6. Add a custom video title such as "BIOL 111 Welcome"
7. Share to a media channel
8. Select a folder in your Media Library to indicate where the video will be saved
9. Settings
10. The Help Center at YuJa.com
11. Video (web cam) output
12. Computer Screen output
NOTE: If you are using a Smart Classroom and wish to have other inputs displayed, such as a document camera, or wish to know how YuJa works with your podium, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 650-5500.

Menu Options


Click on the drop-down arrow next to Video. The first video source will default to your integrated webcam within your device. That may be changed to an external webcam or other video camera within your system. The Video Source 2 must be toggled on to work. This could be an additional front facing webcam to capture the classroom or another video source within your system. If you need assistance setting this up, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 650-5500. 

video options


The Mic Source will be the primary audio input such as a headset, microphone, or internal computer audio (use if playing an online video). The secondary source must be toggled on to use. This could be a second microphone to capture class questions or internal computer audio to capture video sound from your device. If you need assistance setting this up, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 650-5500. 

audio options

You will have to select YuJa Internal Audio for one of the mic sources if you plan to share your computer's sound in the recording. The first time you make that selection, you will be prompted to install the system audio recording package.

download sound thingy


The Screen source is your primary computer screen display. If you have more than one monitor, click on Advanced Settings and select Duo Displays. If you need assistance setting this up, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 650-5500. 

screen sharing options


If these are settings that you plan to use often, set a new profile, name it, and click the "Save" icon. Next time you record, click the Profile drop down list and select this profile.

profile settings


1. Once you have your video, audio, and screen settings saved, click the Start button. Remember, you will be able edit the video when you have finished, so don't worry about extra video at the beginning or end.

start recording

YuJa will provide you with a 3 second countdown. Don't worry if you don't start right away. You can later trim off any extra video at the beginning or end.

2. A small toolbar will appear on your screen. Click the "pause" button if you wish to pause the recording. When you click the pause button again, you will continue with the recording.

Click the "Stop" icon when you are finished recording.

recording toolbar

3. Click the "Save" button to begin the upload of your video to YuJa.

save recording

4. A status bar will appear on your screen. When the status reads 100%, return to your YuJa library for post-production editing, captioning, and linking.

upload status

yuja, lecture, capture, screen share, YuJa, uja, youja, video, audio, streaming, cloud, change owners, give video, media 
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