YuJa (All Users) - Installing YuJa on an Apple Mobile Device

This article gives instructions on how to install YuJa on an Apple Mobile Device.
    1. From your mobile device, go to the App Store. Search for YuJa Mobile.
    2. Click on the "Get" button.
      Click the Install button. You will be asked to sign into your Apple account.

      Once the YuJa app is downloaded, click the Open button.

      screen shot of app store with yuja mobile displayed and get button circled in red

    3. Click the Sign In button.

      screen shot of sign in button circled in red

    4. Enter your SIUE email.

      screen shot of enter your organization with email entered in the box and next button circled in red

    5. Confirm that the bar at the top says Welcome to Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Click the drop-down and select Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Single-Sign-On.

    6. Click Sign In with SSO.

      screen shot of yuja mobile screen that says "welcome to siue" and the southern illinois univeristy edwardsville single-sign-on is selected. click 'signin with sso' button to continue

    7. Enter your SIUE email and click Next.

      screen shot of email circled in red

    8. Follow the prompts on the next few screens to enter your SIUE password, complete multi-factor authentication, etc.

    9. Once you successfully sign in, you should have access to your YuJa media library.

KeywordsYuJa, yuja, uja, youja, video, audio, streaming, cloud, share, full access, edit, editing   Doc ID118015
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2022-04-15 14:41:12Updated2024-09-12 11:38:31
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
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