Blackboard (Faculty) - Course Menu: Add and Delete Links to Course Menu

This document provides an overview of how to add and delete a link in the Course Menu.

Add Link to the Course Menu

  1. Click on the small plus sign (+) in the top-left corner of your course menu.

    Add new course menu item

  2. Select the type of item you want to add. These are the most commonly used menu items: 
    • Content Area: a blank area used to organize course materials and assessments, such as weekly folders, files, quizzes, and discussion links. 
    • Tool Link: a link to one of Blackboard's tools, such as the Discussion Board, My Grades, or Groups.
    • Web Link: a link to an external website, such as YuJa or YouTube video or Office 365 file. 
    • Course Link: a link to a file stored elsewhere in your course, such as a syllabus.

  3. New menu items will appear at the bottom of the course menu. Drag and drop the link in the location you would like it to appear on your course menu. If you cannot drag and drop, see this workaround for manually reordering menu items.

Delete Content Areas and Tools to the Course Menu

  1. Hover your mouse over the name of the content area or tool you want to delete.
  2. Click on the circular grey icon to the right of the name.
  3. Choose Delete from the drop-down menu.

    screenshot of how to delete a menu link

  4. A pop-up box will appear asking you if you are sure. Click Delete the menu item to delete the link. Click Hide the Link if you wish to make it unavailable to students. Click Cancel to return to the course menu.

    IMPORTANT: Once a Content Area or Blank Page is deleted, it can not be retrieved. If a link to a Tool is deleted (such as My Grades, or Discussion Board), the tool can be added back to the course menu.

    Delete Course Menu link

NOTE: If you are deleting a content area with assessments, such as Tests, Assignments or Turnitin Assignments, you should delete the assessment itself before deleting the entire content area. Deleting the assessment first will remove the associated column in the Grade Center; Deleting the entire content area (for example, the folder where the assessment is stored) instead of deleting the assessment itself leaves an associated column in your Grade Center that cannot be deleted. 

blackboard, black board, bb, Course Menu, menu, navigation, links, delete, add 
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Center I. in Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville