Blackboard (Students) - Blogs: About Blogs

This document provides an overview of the blog tool in Blackboard.

Blogs are typically used to share ideas with an audience over a period of time. For example, over the course of a semester, you may write a weekly blog that describes what you are learning on a particular subject. You may include photos or videos to illustrate your points. Your fellow students may comment on your blog posts and you may comment back. In Blackboard, blogs are set up in one of three ways:

  • Course: Everyone can add blog entries to a single class blog. Everyone can add comments, too.
  • Individual: Each student creates their own blog, which anyone can view and comment on.
  • Group: If your instructor uses the blogs tool for a group, all group members can make blog entries and make comments to a shared group blog. Students can view and comment on other group blogs.

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