Poll Everywhere (Faculty) - Share Polls with Other Faculty

This document describes how to share Poll Everywhere activities with other faculty.

If you want to share Poll Everywhere questions with your colleagues, please send an email to idlt_center@siue.edu. Include the SIUE email addresses of each faculty member with whom you wish to share your content. We will add you and your colleagues to a Team in Poll Everywhere, which will allow you to share your Poll Everywhere polls and surveys. 

Learn more about sharing Poll Everywhere activities or moving activities from one account to another. Quick tip: Sharing activities lets one faculty member create a poll or survey and then anyone on the Team can present it and see student responses. Moving activities changes ownership from the original creator to the person with whom it's shared. Once a poll or survey is moved, the original owner can no longer edit it. Sharing and sending copies of activities can only happen with other presenters at SIUE. 

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